For information on applying for a grant please contact Lisa Colson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (660) 359 – 5636 ext 23
The Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) is designed to support your community’s well being and greater capacity for growth. Grants are available in a variety of categories and can be utilized for a variety of community development initiatives.
Green Hills Regional Planning Commission provides project development, grant writing and administration services for community development projects such as senior centers, early education centers, county and municipal facilities, infrastructure projects, and more!
CDBG funds are awarded to local units of government (cities and counties) or organizations that have non-profit status (501 (C) (3) designation).
Our staff has extensive experience with CDBG programs, as well as USDA-Rural Development, NAP Tax credits, DNR, EDA, and others. Your project may require funding from more than one funding agency.
Please contact the Green Hills Community Development Department for assistance developing a project that will benefit your community at 660-359-5636 ext. 23.