In 1992, the North Missouri Solid Waste Management District was formed. The Solid Waste Management District was created after the Missouri General Assembly passed Revised Statutes of Missouri Chapter 260, a comprehensive revision of the Missouri Solid Waste Management Law. The purpose of the North Missouri Solid Waste Management District is to work with local communities and counties, as well as with the private sector, in developing and implementing methods to reduce the amount of wastes being deposited in landfills. This goal is accomplished through recycling, solid waste source reduction, public education, and through working with other partners to sponsor projects which remove wastes from the waste stream. The Solid Waste Management District meets quarterly throughout the year, and usually does so in conjunction with Green Hills Regional Planning Commission Board of Directors meetings.
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What waste reduction goals does the district have for the upcoming fiscal year?
Goal #1 – Education on what to put in your recycling bins.
Goal #2 – Work on an in depth list of all recycling centers listing exactly that they will collect and work with them on moving their recycling products.
Goal #3 – The district will provide residents of our district special assess to tires, electronics, appliances, batteries, and household hazardous waste collection events. The district is working on funding for having semi-permanent sites in different counties within our District.
Goal #4 – The District will continue to work on diverting items that are on our Districts target list, including promoting glass recycling.
Goal #5 – Promote Recycling at the State Fair.
Goal #6 – Help schools and businesses in our 11-county region identify the type of waste that they have and/or produced and how they could divert some of the items from the solid waste stream. The District will work with them to start or expand their recycling efforts, with a motto to start small and get them in the
habit of recycling and then eventually expanding their program.
Goal #7 – The District will be developing a new website so that patron of the District will be able to find out information on how to recycle, where to recycle, what can be recycled and how to dispose of items correctly.
Goal #8 – Work with Ripple glass to get glass recycling established in Region B.
Goal #9 – Work with schools in Region B on composting.
What resource recovery goals does the district have for the upcoming fiscal year and what actions does the district plan to achieve these goals?
Goal #1 – The district will provide residents of our district special assess to tires, electronics, appliances, batteries, and household hazardous waste collection events. The district is working on funding for having semi-permanent sites in different counties within our District.
Goal #2 – The District will continue to work on diverting items that are on our Districts target list.
Goal #3 – Work with Ripple glass to get glass recycling established in Region B.
Goal #4 – Work with schools in Region B on composting.
What recycling goals does the district have for the upcoming fiscal year?
Goal #1 – Education on what to put in your recycling bins.
Goal #2 – Help schools and businesses in our 11-county region identify the type of waste that they have and/or produced and how they could divert some of the items from the solid waste stream. The District will work with them to start or expand their recycling efforts, with a motto to start small and get them in the
habit of recycling and then eventually expanding their program.
Goal #3 – The District will continue to work on diverting items that are on our Districts target list, including glass recycling.
Goal #4 – The District wanted to continue the battery and ink jet recycling program, and added cell phones and rechargeable batteries to the collections. The District will continue to purchase containers until they have one in each City Hall and School in our 11 county region.
Goal #5 – The District will be developing a new website so that patron of the District will be able to find out information on how to recycle, where to recycle, what can be recycled and how to dispose of items correctly.
Goal #6 – Work with Ripple Glass to get glass recycling established in Region B.

For questions or more information please contact Ann Hamilton
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (660) 359-5636 ext 20